浪费 & 环境澳博官方网站
We’re changing the conversation about waste. From throwaway culture, to circular economy.
在我们“资源不浪费”的理念下,我们不会被迫清空更多的垃圾箱或处理更多的垃圾. We want to eliminate it before it’s even created. 使用Mitie,您可以减少废物产生,减少碳排放,并降低成本.
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阅读我们的数字投资组合,了解Mitie如何为您提供支持,防止浪费产生, 通过更好的废物管理来削减成本和减少碳足迹.
我们的任务是最大限度地从医疗机构的废物流中提取资源, ensuring zero waste to landfill.
我们通过减少填埋垃圾的数量,帮助他们减少碳排放, and instead creating 能源 from waste. 我们制定了一项长期战略,从废物流中提取可重复使用的材料,并将其用于新产品.
该组织现在已经获得了“零垃圾填埋”的认证,并得到了独立的验证. 他们的现场回收率现在平均为41%,总回收率为85%.
Reducing waste for a major retailer
定期运送的10吨香蕉被装在板条箱里运抵超市配送中心. Transferring the produce to the supermarket, and then sending the empty trays back to the warehouse, was creating a lot of waste from transit packaging.
The supermarket was fed up with this waste, so asked for our help. We produced a returnable box for the bananas to travel in. 这可以直接放在货架上的商店,然后返回清洁和重复使用. Thanks to our solution, transit packaging was eliminated.
Optimising the waste journey at a large UK airport
The airport decided that there was too much waste going to ground. 每年有超过1800万的乘客,所以垃圾水平飙升也就不足为奇了. 我们承诺帮助机场在现场实现最佳的废物处理方法, including the introduction of a recycling practice, with an aim to achieving zero waste to landfill.
We analysed the waste data from site and suggested improvements. 我们与本地澳博官方网站供应商合作,以减少车辆移动,从而减少碳排放. And we bulked most recyclable materials to achieve maximum revenues.
Delivering zero landfill for large manufacturing client
Our manufacturing client blends dry mixed spices, which are used as flavourings for domestic and business use. 传统上, 任何食物垃圾都被收集起来,并放入一般废物流中, 哪些被送到垃圾填埋场. 然而, 我们的客户执行零填埋政策,并支持联合国可持续发展目标.
我们的解决方案包括将Dolav箱放在一般垃圾箱旁边,从源头隔离食物材料,以便单独处理. 然后, we secured an anaerobic digestion route, in which bacteria breaks down food waste without oxygen, to divert 100% of the waste away from landfill.
在第一年, we have diverted 481 tonnes of food away from landfill, 节省3,292 tonnes of CO2 with a cost reduction to the client of over £19,000.
trees’ worth of paper recycled
tonnes of food waste diverted from landfill
average reduction on waste management costs
我们从最后开始,看到在浪费产生之前就消除它的机会. 分析废物处理过程,提供切实可行的见解. Whether that’s hazardous waste, 临床废物, office waste or everything in between, 我们提供传感器和小型回收设施等创新产品,帮助您最大限度地减少浪费,最大限度地提高影响.
It’s time to focus on the first steps in the waste hierarchy; 减少 and reuse. 我们知道,了解你产生废物的原因会让你更容易看到你能做些什么, and ultimately support your waste reduction goals. 我们所做的每一件事都遵循减少,再利用,再循环,然后再移除的废物等级制度.
Maybe it’s time to bin old ideas about waste companies.
Mitie和我们的供应商和合作伙伴网络为您提供独特的东西. As we don’t operate waste facilities or fleets of vehicles, 你会得到完全的承诺和独立的思考——没有任何冲突——来帮助你预防, 减少, 再利用和再循环.
适用于任何预算, 工作地点或行业, there are opportunities to save money while improving performance. 我们的一长串奖项和客户证明了我们的方法带来了强大的成果.
Find out how you could reach net zeroMitie is trusted by leading businesses
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- 2023年3月8日
- 洞察力
- 12月14日
奖 & 认证评估
- 青苹果
- 国家回收奖
- 奖 for Excellence in Recycling and 浪费 Management
- 2023年ROSPA金奖
- ISO14001
- ISO9001
- OHSAS18001安全
- SafeContractor
- 的报道
- 底盘
- 人力投资者
- Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register
- 浪费Smart training approved (CIWM)
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